Monday, September 5, 2011


Yesterday I spent 7.5 hours reading Dracula. For those who haven't read it, Dracula bit his first victim in Whitby Abbey's graveyard. When I finished the book, I thought the ending was a bit anticlimatic.

In Whitby, we're staying in a modern castle run by sisters of the Church. We're mainly ploughing through homework. They have flower gardens, donkeys, and cows.

On our way to Whitby, we stopped at the moors. It was so beautiful! I kept thinking about how Wuthering Heights took place in the moors.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Whitby,United Kingdom


  1. Sounds like its "homework" time! It sounds so cool to be right where the books are located! They come to LIFE! Or maybe I should say scary or eery? Whuthering Heights!

  2. Castles and Cows? I would have never put those two together!
